Thursday, February 23, 2023


 "Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart" - Seneca

Donors Choose(donors is a nonprofit organization that allows teachers nationwide to apply for resources for their classrooms.

Choose To Care(CTC) is the organization that I founded since 2008 with the mission of providing a brand new pair of shoes for the child in need.

For the month of February and in honor of Black History Month, CTC has selected Mrs. Casimir's 9-12th grade classrooms at the Largo High School, Upper Marlboro, MD.  She wanted tap shoes for her project:Dance For Athletes.

We at CTC wish her success as she continues to engage her students in various genres of dance. Thanks to the supporters, who have made this possible. I greatly appreciate you sharing my passion to help others live a better life.

As usual we want to remind you to find ways of keeping Mother Earth in good shape, no matter how small an act.

Peace and Love

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