Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Come Aboard With Us On The Kindness Train

 "The moon stays bright when it doesn't avoid the night" - Rumi

A lot is going on in the world. Each day we are served up a load of news, that is hardly ever pleasant. But even in the craziest of times, the Choose To Care (CTC) team remains focused on our goal. CTC is a nonprofit that was founded in 2008 with a mission to provide a brand new pair of shoes for the child and young adult in need. 

Each month, through Donors choose(donorschoose.org), a nonprofit that provides resources for public school teachers, nationwide, we honor a teacher's request for her project. For the month of October, we are traveling to PS45, John There, Staten Island, NY. The very kind teacher, Mrs Midttveit, asked for help for her 3rd -5th grade students. She requested tap shoes for their tap lessons.  She is enthusiastic about bringing the art of dance to her deserving students and she feels that tap would be an engaging form of dance and a fun way to engage her students in some exercise. We are glad to deliver these tap shoes for children in need.

Despite the heavy weight of this year, these words sum up CTC and its supporters:

Kind hearts are the garden

Kind thoughts are the roots

Kind words are the blossoms

Kind deeds are the fruits

Melissa K. Sharp

We still have a favor to ask, while you are busy spreading kindness, please put in a good word about Mother Earth. Let everyone know that each of us has the responsibility to keep the planet we live on, in a healthy state.

Thanks for the incredible impact we are making together.

Peace and Love

Monday, September 2, 2024


"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me" Ayn Rand

It is the month of September and Choose To Care(CTC) is staying close to home. CTC (choosetocaresite.org) is the nonprofit that provides a brand new pair of shoes for children and young adults in need. Every month we hit the road and travel to another State to deliver supplies for a deserving teacher's and students' classroom.    Through Donors Choose (donors choose.org),

 CTC chooses a school to sponsor, each month. Donors Choose is a very trusted classroom funding site for public school teachers, nationwide. Ms. Moreland, of PS49, located at Willis Avenue, Bronx, NY; requested tap shoes for her PreK-2 students. She described her students as having boundless energy with an urge to learn new techniques. She is in awe of their commitment and she sees it as her duty to help them reach their full potential.

We agree wholeheartedly with this kind teacher who sees her students potential and CTC is eager to join and help them grow also. These deserving students will receive the tap shoes to help them fully experience the art of tap dancing.

This project I am sure will help the students develop new skills that will serve them in many areas of their lives. CTC is excited and honored to fulfill its mission and to serve this diverse group of individuals as they explore tap dancing in a meaningful and unique manner. 

CTC also uses its platform to encourage all of us to take care of Mother Earth in whatever ways we can. Thanks for all the support you have provided over the years, while strengthening your belief in CTC's mission.

Yours In High Spirits!

Saturday, August 3, 2024


 "This time like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it" Ralph Waldo

Choose To Care(CTC) has welcomed the month of August and is ready to make this trip. CTC is a nonprofit with a mission to provide a brand new pair of shoes for the children in need, globally. Each month the organization sponsors a public school through DONORS CHOOSE; a nonprofit created for public school teachers, nationwide. This organization allows any interested person to sponsor a classroom, supporting a teacher who has made a request for resources for their students in need.

Each month CTC joyfully selects a school to deliver brand new pairs of shoes, putting a smile on the faces of the teacher and students. For the month of August we are heading to Frances Polytechnic High School, Sun Valley,Ca. Their kind teacher, Mr Moore, has expressed the need for running shoes for his Grades 9-12 students, who are preparing for the LA Marathon 2025.

What an important goal to look forward to! The teacher's compassion shone through. He stated that our support for their endeavor will not only help his students reach marathon goals but also inspire them to push through the many challenges they face.Indeed, he wants the best for his students. We hear you Mr Moore and we truly believe in your journey and we eagerly contribute to you and your students marathon dreams.

CTC also uses its platform to advocate for care of Mother Earth. Each of us is responsible to do our part, no matter how small, to ensure an improved environment and halting of the constant deterioration, observed.

Thanks to the supporters of CTC. Your generosity has allowed us to carry out our mission, successfully.

Peace And Love!

Monday, July 1, 2024


 "Where there's hope, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again"   Anne Frank

The month of July came so fast, it seems. I went scrambling to find Choose To Care's(CTC)(choosetocaresite.org) choice of public school for sponsorship. Our mission is to provide a brand new pair of shoes for children in need. An avenue by which we provide this service is through Donors Choose(donors choose.org), a nonprofit organization nationwide that allows public school teachers to present projects requesting resources for their classrooms.

This month's selection is: Reconverte Elementary School, West Virginia. The teacher, Mrs. Sara Hill, described her grades preK-2 students always in need of shoes, so she needed help to obtain new tennis shoes for the clothing closet. There are children she said who sometimes come to school in worn out or too small shoes and they may not have the right shoes for gym class. She stated that a child should not have to go without basic necessities.

We at CTC are very happy to take the journey that we know will warm our hearts, to deliver the resources for this kind and thoughtful teacher's deserving students. We certainly want them to succeed in their studies and have less worries about things they need, such as a simple pair of shoes, guaranteed to make a difference in their lives. Thanks to the supporters for helping us to be of service to those in need.

CTC also uses their platform to highlight care of the environment. We have embraced the planet earth and would like to keep it in top shape. You can do your part also to keep Mother Nature green; no matter how small that action may be.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Every Child Deserves Shoes That Fit

 "What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?" George Elliott

The month of June was a day away when I began searching for the next school Choose To Care(CTC) would sponsor through Donors Choose(donors choose.org)

Donors Choose is a teacher-founded nonprofit that allows public school teachers, nationwide, to submit their projects to obtain resources for their classrooms. CTC whose miss is to provide a brand new pair of shoes for children in need, looks forward to this monthly trip to fulfill a public school teacher's request.

This month's request came from the Grades 3-5, very compassionate teacher, Mrs King. She teaches at PS98, Shorac Kappock, located in Inward, New York, right here at home. I was curious about the name and with a little investigation, I discovered that this school is located on a burial ground for slaves. This historical tidbit came as a surprise.

The title of this instagram post came from the title of the teacher's project and is so appropriate because it also reflects CTC's belief: Every child deserves shoes that fit" We agree that ill-fitting or worn out shoes cause discomfort. The teacher described her students as having challenges accessing  basic necessities. We at CTC, eagerly answered the call to give these deserving students the chance to participate in physical activities and increase their self esteem and overall wellbeing.

The CTC platform also celebrates the power of greenery. We live on this planet that needs environmental protection. This is everyone's issue and we can each contribute.

We trust that this month finds you in good health and high spirits.

Thanks to you our supporters for being the driving force behind CTC's mission.

Thursday, May 2, 2024


 "Every act of love is a work peace, no matter how small" Mother Teresa

This may not be exotic travel but nevertheless each month, we at Choose To Care(CTC)(choosetocaresite.org), look forward to a new destination with gusto. We "saddle up" and prepare ourselves for the new location.

Through Donors Choose(donors choose.org), a trusted classroom funding site for teachers, CTC decides where we will land, by choosing from the number of requests shown. For the month of May, CTC traveled to Kipp Columbus School, Columbus, Ohio, where we found, Ms. Vivian, who was seeking shoes for her grades preK-2. Despite the gloom described, such as students sitting out recess because their feet are hurting from their ill-fitting shoes; and also that the children face bullying from peers when seen in shoes that are not appropriate; her plea for shoes for her students oozed warmth. They are very lucky to have such a caring teacher. She has become an ambassador for these children who are in desperate need.

Driven by CTC's mission to provide a brand new pair of shoes for children in need, we were eager to fulfill this change in the children's lives. Their teacher wants them to focus on learning so their lives will improve.

Thanks to the incredible community of CTC's friends, whose generous support has given us the ability to carry on with our vital mission. We have wholeheartedly embraced this honor to be of service to the youth.

Our other responsibility that we approach with as much passion is the desire to keep Mother Earth as healthy as possible. We are asking that you seek out ways to protect the planet we call home, no matter how small the actions may be.



Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 "The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention" Anonymous

Friends and family, you know that for years Choose To Care(CTC) has been taking a monthly trip to fulfill its mission of providing a brand new pair of shoes for children in need.

We are inviting you to take this journey with us. We have checked in with Donors Choose(donorschoose.org), an organization dedicated to finding resources for public school teachers and their students, nationwide.

For the month of April, we are making our way to Nicholas Senn High School, Chicago, IL. There we found Ms. L, the 9-12th grade teacher who pleaded for shoes for her students, described as newcomers in need, who arrived with limited personal items. A brand new pair of shoes she said,  along with other necessary items, will allow the students to remain in school each day.

We at CTC are enthusiastic to make Ms. L's wishes come true. We salute this kind teacher for taking the extra steps to embrace the immigrants seeking refuge. We aim to lift kids out of poverty, one pair of shoes at a time. This simple act of kindness will allow the students to gain confidence so they can concentrate on their education.

Of course we have the most generous and passionate supporters who have helped us to bring this project to life. Thanks for the incredible impact we are making together.

We also use this platform to encourage an eco friendly environment. We must work towards a healthier planet and help to protect vulnerable landscapes for future generations. Our input, such as reducing water usage and energy consumption, etc; no matter how small will have an effect.

Until next month!

Peace, Love & Kindness