Thursday, January 2, 2025


"Earth has no sorrow that Earth cannot heal" John Muir

January came around and we are all enjoying the festivities but Choose To Care(CTC) has an errand to run. CTC is a nonprofit that provides a brand new pair of shoes for children and young adults in need. Each month we visit Donors Choose website. This is a teacher-founded nonprofit that allows public school teachers nationwide, to request resources for their classrooms.

This month CTC is visiting Bronx High School for Medical Science, located in the Bronx, New York. Ms Mieses, the Grades 6-8 teacher presented the SHOES 4 BOWLERS initiative. She asked for high-quality bowling shoes for for her students, whom she said deserved to have the opportunity to enjoy the sport of bowling regardless of their financial situation.

We at CTC agreed and it was our honor to sponsor her classroom so that the students can participate in physical activities, encouraging a healthy lifestyle and social interaction. 

CTC is also passionate about saving the environment. We are appealing to everyone to do their part, no matter how small to protect Mother Earth.

A deeply appreciated thank you to our supporters for helping us to reach our monthly goal of sponsoring a public teacher's project. We hope you will come along as we continue to create what we dream of, that is making this a better world.